The main languages I work with are Greek, English and Spanish.
- English and Spanish into Greek is what I am personally in charge of. At the same time, my collaborators are available for other commonly
needed language combinations, such as:
- Greek to English & Greek to Spanish
- Spanish to English & English to Spanish
However, if you are also looking for a different language combination, don't hesitate to ask!
For certain projects, conventional literal translation is not enough. Slogans, ads and literary texts need to produce the same effect to their audience,
whatever the language. That's what transcreation does: an adaptation based on relevant cultural elements of the target language, in order to preserve the spirit and the
effect of the original.
Thorough correction of the technical aspects of language: grammar, punctuation syntax, spelling/typos.
Focusing on the target text in order to deal with any style, terminology and register issues that may arise. The editor makes sure the text has an absolutely
natural-sounding feel in the target language.
If you need an experienced on-site interpreter from and into Greek, I can help.
Contact me to provide you with a quote, according to the time and specialism required.